Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Why Some E-Business Fail

An extremely high percentage of the e-businesses who fail do so because the business concept itself is poorly thought out. If the idea sounds ludicrous as a real-world proposition- A high fashion shoes by mail order catalogue for example, fails because high-fashion customers do not buy from catalogue because they prefer to be seen in high-end stores and try different items for style and comfort
Before you try to set up an electronic business, take the core idea and workout how you could make it pay in the real world, without any help from the Net. If you can see a way for it to make money, the it should translate successfully to the web. Most succesful web site can be translated suuccessfuly into mail order business, magazine/fanzine or book iseals, games clubs, society, prfessional services or research services. Direct sale of products should always be considered a mail order business, because that is how it translate in the public mind- and that means that goods that do not sell well by mail order do not necessarilly sell well online.

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